Curtin has this cool cross culture program called the John Curtin Weekend. We had the chance to stay over and experience Sarawak Long Houses Native culture . It was extremely fun experience for me because everyone is so friendly and welcoming. The Long House we went was Rumah Johnson, a pretty modern one. The long house was concreted, had electricity supply, clean water supply and bathroom DOORS~phew.. hehe.. So it was not much problem of adapting to the environment compared to some other long houses my friends were placed, which are more rural. Jun was the Leader for this long house. Was I the photographer or the assistant? I couldn't remember. haha.
Our LongHouse "Host Mother" haha.. They had our name on it and we got to look for our names.
Arrival with some music and Ngajat Dance. Michelle and I got to try with the Gong too!

Another musical instrument.... when I was playing, the little kid beside was shaking his head. hahaha.. i just smiled at him and continued with my "ding ding dong dong" xD
Curtianians Decorating the Long House. This trip, our group went 1 day earlier because there were a bunch of International yachties coming to pay a visit the next day. Due to communication barriers, we went there to help them entertain and basically translate for them. Yatchies from around the world, Europe, New Zealand, Australia...
Early next morning~The Cooking Team of the LongHouse. Gotong - Royong. In long house, everyone has to contribute in some where.
Standing outside with the fresh morning breeze.... *Liked*
Morning Tea Breakfast
This is the traditional Ayam Pansoh cooked in Buloh

The Ladies Community..
Smilee~~~ she just came back from her farm.
Alright, next one is preparing ourselves for the welcoming ceremony. The thingy above are Ibans traditional hair pins.
The volunteers. Some of the volunteers arrive on the second day due to their Friday classes.
Walking in from the entrance door to the end (around 40+ houses stretch) with their traditional music being played.
Check out the yatchies.. they have some talents too..haha..
After the ceremony, it was "Feasting time" Jun with her favourite, Durian!!
Yatchies and The Volunteers
My little friend who always stick to me. haha. Niece of my Host Mother.
Playing with the kids.
It was fun to have lots of little friends. Cool little Brooklyn. Gosh, miss them. Fell like going back and visit them one day.
Oh yeah! not forgetting the famous Poco-Poco. Oh my gosh, this is a must must in the long house. It's a dance they do everytime, like everytime! haha.. We had it the day we arrive, when the yatchies come, after dinner, and morning exercise as shown above. haha..

My Caring Host Mother.
Finally, group photos.. ow~~ =( will miss you guys. Quite 不舍得 when saw little Brooklyn and Cindy waving with red eyes when we were on the bus. Well, every beginning has an end and every ending journey will have a beginning. Thus, dear Curtianians, if you have the opportunity to go, make sure you grab it! ;D

Jun, Sandy and I
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